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June 15, 2020


Good morning all, 

The sun is shining extra bright today because we have officially been given permission to organize group fitness and yoga classes outside -- YAY!! For the next week (and likely the weeks to follow), we will be offering: 


  • Tuesday Upper Body: *Pilot Test* Meet us in TriForce's back parking lot at 6pm for a workout *WITH* weights. We ask that you bring your mat and a set of light-moderate weights or weighted objects that you have, or send us an email prior to coming to reserve a set of weights and/or a mat for the class (limited quantity; first come, first serve). 

  • Wednesday Total Body: Join us **OUTDOORS** at Parc Gouin at 6pm. Don't forget your mat! 

  • Thursday Lower Body: *Pilot Test* Meet us in TriForce's back parking lot at 6pm for a workout *WITH* weights. We ask that you bring your mat and a set of light-moderate weights or weighted objects that you have, or send us an email prior to coming to reserve a set of weights and/ or a mat for the class (limited quantity; first come, first serve). 

  • Friday Total Body Strength: We're starting at-home FriYAY Challenges. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel or check out our Facebook page on Friday, June 12 to get the details on this total body, strength-focused, FUN challenge. 

  • Saturday Total Body Conditioning: Join us **OUTDOORS** at Parc Gouin at 9:30am. Don't forget your mat! 

  • Sunday Yoga: Join us **OUTDOORS** at Parc Paquin at 11am. Don't forget your mat, yoga blocks and straps! Reach out if you want to join but need equipment. 


We understand that at-home options may be more comfortable during this time -- so we will be leaving all of our at-home friendly workouts and yoga flows online and FREE to all, and we are opening up our 8-week online coaching program for $80 (email for details). 


Please note that outdoor workouts are weather permitting. In adverse conditions, we will be moving the class to Facebook Live. Necessary class updates will be posted on our Facebook page (@TriForceHealth). 


With this exciting news, it is imperative that we stay vigilant in our collective efforts in preventing further spread of COVID-19.


We will be complying with the measures outlined by the Direction nationale de la santé publique


- maintaining a 2m distance

- washing your hands before, during and after the activity with water and soap or disinfecting hand sanitizer

- disinfecting any shared object or equipment between users that are not from the same household

- practice proper respiratory hygiene of coughing/ sneezing into the elbow and using clean, disposable napkins

- staying at-home if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has 









To help follow these guidelines, we ask that you:


- bring your own mat to outdoor fitness classes and a yoga mat, block and straps to yoga classes (please contact us if you do not have these items)

- go first to our welcome sign at the entrance of the park to disinfect your hands with the hand sanitizer available or one that you bring

- follow the directions of the coach to find a free space (marked by an orange cone), staying at least 2m away from other participants 

- bring your own prefilled water bottle and disposable napkins, if needed

- exit by the welcome sign to disinfect your hands on your way home


We urge all members to continue to stay informed with official updates and recommendations. You can find more information here:


- Government of Canada

- Santé Montréal 

- World Health Organization (WHO)


Now that we are able to offer regular summer classes, note the updates to our membership, passes, personal training and group programs:


- ALL memberships and class passes were paused when we transitioned to online classes on March 14th, 2020 and will resume Sunday, June 14th, 2020. A 3-month extension has been automatically added to each membership and eligible pass. Therefore online and the first two outdoor workouts in the upcoming week of June 8-June 13th will remain OPEN and FREE for everyone -- member or not. After which, classes will be reserved for our valued active members or pass-carriers, including those who sign-up with a free class pass for their first class. Prerecorded online classes will be given through an exclusive link. 


- ALL pre-paid personal training sessions that were not transitioned online remain valid for use upon gym re-opening or requested outdoor sessions. Please reach out to us to discuss your options or concerns with resuming. 


- The Master's program was recently taken online to complete the Spring session. Starting Sunday, June 14th, sign-ups for the summer session will begin. More details here



We deeply appreciate your understanding and support during this time. We cannot wait to see you - in a socially-distanced way - SOON!! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email us at or call us at (438)889-8486.


In health and happiness, 

Brooke, Jenn &  Grant 

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