Our team of kinesiologists and therapists believe that exercise is KEY to living your best life, especially if you have special considerations or unique special needs.
Master's Level 1 & 2
Our Master's Program is for those over 60 years old that are interested in improving their strength, endurance, balance, and mobility.
All sessions are 1-hour in length and can be joined in-person or from the comfort of home. Sessions focus on strength exercises, fall prevention, cardiorespiratory and mobility exercises. Warm-ups and cool-downs will incorporate gentle mobility and flexibility movements. ​Current schedule is:
- Master's Level 1
Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 10am
- Master's Level 2
Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays @ 9am
Happy Heart
This online program is designed specifically for those with or at-risk of developing heart disease. Transform your heart, mind, and lifestyle with our 3-pillar system rooted in behaviour change science to help you bridge the gap between knowing what to do and ACTUALLY doing all of the things that make your heart - figuratively and literally- happy.
Pre- & Post-Natal
Level up your mom game by improving your strength, endurance and mobility for an easier delivery & recovery, and to ensure that your kids have to keep up with YOU!
Coming Fall 2025.
Follow us @TriForceHealth on socials to stay in the loop!