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November Client of the Month

As you already know, TriForcer Marjorie turned 80 on October 17th, and we were fortunate to be a part of the surprise celebration in her honour at her best friend and fellow- TriForcer Norma Fox’s home.

Marjorie is a true inspiration to all us at TriForce. As we found out at her surprise party, she is also a huge inspiration to her friends, family and neighbours. Marjorie does her very best to stay active all year round - participating in 3 TriForce classes per week, Tai chi 3+ times, gardening in the summer, hiking and walking to and from to her activities (30 + minutes - even in the winter!). I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I hope we can all move and exercise as Marjorie does on our 80th birthdays! There is no age limit to staying active and living a healthy lifestyle.

Congratulations Marjorie for being our TriForce client of the month! The TriForce Team

PS your TriForce T-shirt is on its way!

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