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Member Spotlight: Glenda

As a busy mom with a full household, Glenda has always been on the go-- yet she was still able to find solace and fitness through walking. Looking for some options to mix it up, she came out to TriForce yoga about one year ago.

Glenda stuck with yoga for the first few weeks-- she loved the calm yet challenging movements. Though, her daughters kept bugging her to try one of our fitness classes too.

“I was afraid to try it.” Glenda admits.

It’s hard to believe that Glenda, a regular attendee, was apprehensive about trying one of our fitness classes at first-- but really, gyms and fitness classes can be pretty intimidating, especially if you’re unfamiliar with some of the moves or equipment. But, as Glenda points out, it’s important to understand that workouts are for YOU.

“I love that I can go at my own pace. Usually we’re each doing our own thing, so it’s easy to get in your zone and push yourself.”

Though she stays focused during workouts, the energy in the room helps keep her going too.

“The best thing about TriForce is the sense of being part of the impressive TriForce “community” and amazing coaches, with eyes behind their heads, that always know when you need an extra push or a little encouragement. And, it’s not unusual for the class to get pumped up to the music and break out in song and dance throughout, the energy is contagious.”

Yup, we agree! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we have THE BEST community-- hence why we spotlight one of you every month. You guys are too incredible to not share!

“It’s really great having such a diverse group in one class. Even though we’re not competing against one another, it’s so motivating to pair with different people at different stages of fitness. It’s like a team, we help push each other.”

But it’s not just our regular members that she teams up with. Glenda has been such a positive influence on newcomers and those just passing by too by encouraging them to just keep going or keep coming, that things will get easier.

But not TOO easy (we’ll never let that happen), and that’s the great thing about fitness: the more conditioned you get, the more weight, reps and intensity you can handle—it’s unbelievably empowering. Just ask Glenda!

Errr, on second thought, maybe not... Glenda will absolutely downplay her ah-mazing progress and inspiring work ethic-- she’s too humble to talk about her 20+lb increase on bench press, or how she casually squats with our heaviest DB. Or doing unassisted negative pull-ups. Or crushing box jumps and punching (with battle wounds to show for it too!). Or ALWAYS starting an exercise early and doing extra reps-- maybe that’s her secret to all of her #gainz?! Truly, one of our favourite parts of being a coach is watching our members reach new heights, and we’ve been able to share so many with Glenda already.

Really, what an awesome first year journey this has been.

“You don’t see it right away, but one day it just hits you. You have more energy and feel stronger; making everyday things easier, like bringing in the groceries-- and you’ll definitely have to invest in a belt!”

Amen. We can’t wait for the next milestones!

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