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Trick or Treat Workout

Halloween season is upon us.

Whether or not you celebrate or enjoy this season, it’s hard to deny the charm in some of the holiday’s quirks. One of the most notable is the “Trick or Treat” -- like how thrilling is it to see what kind of candy, or scary trick, is coming your way!

So, this month, we’ll be honouring that same thrill with a Trick or Treat workout. You’ll need a deck of cards for this workout.

There are 4 pairs. You’ll spend 5 minutes at each pair by doing 5 rounds of 45sec of work, 15sec of rest. HOWEVER, contrary to our usual back-and-forth pairings, the card colour that you pull at the beginning of each interval will dictate which exercise you do for that interval (which means you may have to do the same exercise 5 times in a row MUAHAHAHAH).

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